Mero losing in first round
The European representative, Csaba Mero, lost in the fisrt round of the Chunlan Cup. It was expected, as he was paired against Japans Iyama Yuta Meijin. Here you can see the game. Iyama Yuta was black and won by resignation.

2010-04-03 04:04
( GB )
Thanks for the comments csaba :)

2010-03-31 12:03
( HU )
10 i should play at E6 i believe...
30 is too early, no need to settle the shape so early. the real aji was at C9.
37 took me by surprise. It is very thick move eliminating all aji, but it i was glad to play the big fuseki move at O17.
Before 46 i should exchange O4 for N3 first
I spent a lot of time on 66, but the move i played was not the best. I shall play the ko at P11. There are plenty of local ko threats to give a reasonable result for white.
The continuation in the actual game was what all along my plan which i formed at 66, but i could not read the continuation after 98. My feeling at 66 was that there must be a better way to settle the shape around 98, but when we got there i found no time to start anything with the bad aji in that area. I felt very painful to exchange 98 for 99.
100-101 is a bad exchange for white
102 was my greatest dilema in the game. The propper move is N3. Like this the actual territory seems even, but black is very thick all around and there is a weak white group in the centre. My conclusion was that the peaceful way would leave white about 10-15 points behind on the board with no fighting chance, so i decided to mess up the situation...
The peep at L6 was not sente in the actual game, so i should exchange it before 102.
114 i must connect at B3. After white takes the B2 stone there is no more chance to attack.
After 127 i was just looking for a place to resign.

2010-03-29 03:03
4. kyu
( HR )
I also think so. A pity he had such a hard opponent.

2010-03-28 10:03
Was not a bad game. Csaba played well!
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